讲座报告 Seminar

【Marine Affairs Seminars 04|生态与环境讲坛272讲】The magic of the term 'Blue Carbon' in climate change mitigation and its relation to biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals
此信息发布于:2022-6-20      浏览次数:1002
德国莱布尼兹热带海洋研究所Tim Jennerjahn博士
 2022-06-20 16:00:00


Tim Jennerjahn is a Senior Scientist and head of the working group "Ecological Biogeochemistry" at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany. He is trained in geology and biogeochemistry at the University of Hamburg. His research focuses on the biogeochemical response of coastal aquatic systems to environmental change and 'Blue Carbon' storage in tropical regions at present and in the past. Recently, concentrated on the effects of land-based human activities, for example, the impact of inputs of nutrients, organic matter, organic pollutants and suspended sediments on the biogeochemistry, ecology and 'Blue Carbon' storage of mangroves, seagrasses and coastal seas. He is coordinating and participating in collaborative interdisciplinary research projects in Indonesia, India, Brazil, China and Vietnam and has conducted numerous land- and ship-based expeditions. His research results are published in numerous articles in journals and books and he served as guest editor for several special issues of international journals. He is teaching at the University of Bremen and in partner universities abroad and he serves as thesis supervisor for students from Europe, Central and South America, Africa and Asia. He is an Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science and the Conference Coordinator of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association.